Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Treasury

We're going to start posting links to each new Etsy Treasury in which we've been included.  Please help us spread the word -- Share with your friends!  Remember, for every 3 customers you send our way, you'll earnPreview your choice of any item in the shop.

Here's the most recent Treasury, a collection of gorgeous items with a desert feel: 


Grand Opening of Our New Vintage Shop

Please visit our brand new vintage shop, Picfair Village Vintage.  My son, Aidan, will be my partner in this endeavor -- He's 15 and very savvy when it comes to determining what is cool enough to share with our friends.  Please use coupon code THANKYOUTHANKS for 20% off, now or later.  We'll be adding new items just as fast as we can -- and we have a lot of goodies!

Go to!


jools & aidan