We contribute at least 20% of our profits to environmental, humanitarian, and other charitable orginaizations. Until further notice, we'll be donating to agencies involved in the oil spill off the southern coast.*
=> Our June Recipient was The Tri-State Bird Rescue and Rehab:
https://www.tristatebird.org is doing did extraordinary work with oil-soaked birds(who literally "cook" in the summer heat -- not a pretty image, but it's not a pretty situation), as well as birds whose habitats and food sources have been decimated. We're thrilled to be contributing $50 to this wonderful group, with many thanks to Diane, Julie, Betty, Kelsey, Cathryn, Alison, Stephanie, and Leigh! We're proud to announce the "adoption" of peregrine falcon Ishta Tanka.
The Huffington Post has an excellent page focusing on the disaster that is updated regularly; it includes ways that we can ALL get involved, and lists the remarkable organizations working to protect and rehabilitate wildlife, salvage wetlands, provide support to the residents of the affected areas, and all other aspects of
disaster relief. Please visit :
/adopt-a-bird/peregrine ~ As always, please visit our BLOG for more info!
=>Upon the suggestion of our customer & friend, Diane Turner, we've chosen The AUDUBON SOCIETY as our JULY Recipient. Please check out the myriad ways this pivotal organization is working in and around the disaster area--and how you can help:
=> Because of our pledge to the Gulf, we've been included in three truly BEAUTIFUL Treasuries. Please visit each of these curated lists and click on each selection; they are full of beautiful goodies, lovingly chosen, and your purchase helps the many agencies involved in cleanup, wildlife rehab, and humanitiarian aid. PLEASE visit:
--:> "Give to the
Gulf Coast":
--:> "The
Gulf Coast Blues":
=> And last but certainly not least: Shop HELP THE GULF! "HelpTheGulf is a collective Etsy shop to help the gulf coast recover from the massive
BP oil spill. Etsy sellers (including Willie & Lu) have donated their items so that 100% of the proceeds can be given to charity. We've set up a separate paypal account for this shop. 100% of the proceeds (after etsy & paypal fees) will be donated to charities helping with the
Gulf Coast recovery effort. To shop For the Gulf, visit
http://www.etsy.com/shop/HelpTheGulfCoast "
! ! ! THANK YOU for your support! The more you buy, the more we can give ;-} !
*Please note that when donating to agencies in the Gulf, it is important to donate to the organization at large, and generally NOT to its work on the spill. BP has promised to pay ALL costs incurred by the spill, and has contracted many of these organizations (such as our June recipient, the Tri-State Bird Rescue & Rehab) to do the very necessary cleanup and rehab work. Any money we give them specifically for the cleanup can ONLY be used for the cleanup, so it simply reduces the amount that BP has to pay, without assisting these agencies. INSTEAD, just give to the organization, or choose a fund within the organization (e.g. educational programs, outreach, etc.) and direct your money that way.